e-learning "Let's train your imagination & creativity !"
Shunya Susuki
Imagination - the ability to create pictures in your mind
Creativity - the ability to create new things by own idea; originality; inventiveness
Knowledge is power.
Creativity is more important than knowledge. (by T. Ediso)

Necessity of training your "Imagination & creativity" in your life
1 In an information-oriented society developing rapidly, you will be able to bring home the bacon by your imagination & creativity.
2 In your life, your imagination & creativity gives you a motivation and feeling of satisfaction.
3 In everyday life, your imagination & creativity makes you do prompt and flexible action with wit.
4 If the people with imagination & creativity increase, Great Society will change into the better direction.

How to train your "Imagination & creativity"
to develop ability of both left and right brain
and combine with each other
*From a mental perspective*
1 Try various things to find out your talent or strong point by using your five senses and sixth sense.
2 Remember the sweet smell of success when you solve your difficult puzzle.
3 Talk to various persons with different nationality or the opposite sex to learn different way of thinking.
4 Note your new idea down whenever you come up with it.

*From a physical perspective*
1 Get some exercise such as pitching, batting, swinging a  racket and so on to try to reverse left and right in front of a mirror.
2 Do something with both hands, like playing the piano, embroidering, sculpting and so on.
3 Use opposite hand that they always use in using chop sticks, pencil, toothbrush and so on.
4 Do exercise like walking, push-up, sit-ups and so on to get any stamina.
Do not to smoke and drink.